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Module 16: Language Environment and LE callable services

Language Environment and LE callable services

  • Language Environment(LE) is a set of standard callable routines and run-time options that can be used by all the high level applications written in C, COBOL or PL/I.
  • LE enables development of mixed-language applications by facilitating easier and robust inter-language communication.
  • Language Environment callable services make many types of programming tasks easier. You call them by using the CALL statement.
  • LE callable services provides routines which can help you in following task:-
    • Date and time calculation and conversion
      • Current local date and time can be converted in several formats
    • Making Math calculations
      • Math functions such as logarithmic, exponential, trigonometric, square root etc. can be done using LE callable services. Intrinsic function also provides similar functions.
    • Handling conditions
      • Few LE services enable COBOL applications to react to unexpected errors
      • You can use language constructs or runtime options to select the level at which to handle each condition
    • Managing Dynamic storage
      • These kind of services allows you to get, free, and reallocate storage. It also allows to create your own storage pools.
    • Run-time message handling
      • These kind of services allows getting, dispatching and formatting messages. Non-CICS messages can be directed to files/printers. CICS messages are directed to a CICS transient data queue
    • Notional language support
      • These kind of services makes it simpler for your applications to support the language that your application user needs
  • Some mostly used callable services are listed below:-

Service Purpose
CEECBLDY To convert a string that represents a date into COBOL integer date format, which represents a date as the number of days since 31 December 1600
CEEDATE To convert a number representing a Lilian date to a date written in character format. It returns a character string, such as “1991/03/22”.
CEEDATM To convert a number representing the number of seconds since 00:00:00 14 October 1582 to a character string format. It returns a character string, such as “1992/07/26 14:23:00”.
CEEDAYS To convert a date to Lilian format. (number of days since 14-Oct-1582)
CEEDYWK To calculate the day of the week on which a Lilian date falls. The day of the week is returned to the calling routine as a number between 1 and 7. The number returned by CEEDYWK is useful for end-of-week calculations.
CEEGMT To get current Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) as both a Lilian date and as the number of seconds since 00:00:00 14 October 1582
CEEGMTO To get difference between GMT and local time
CEELOCT To get the current local date and time in three formats:- §  Lilian date (the number of days since 14 October 1582) §  Lilian seconds (the number of seconds since 00:00:00 14 October 1582) §  Gregorian character string (in the form YYYYMMDDHHMISS999)
CEESCOL To compare two character strings based on collating
CEESIABS To calculate the absolute value of an integer
CEESSNWN To calculate the nearest whole number for a single-precision floating-point number

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