Module 6: Procedure Division
ROUNDED option
- ROUNDED option can be used with ADD, SUBTRACT, DIVIDE and MULTIPLY verbs
- ROUNDED option is used to round off the value as per PICTURE clause specification of the receiving field
- It generally takes effect when after decimal point alignment, the result calculated must be truncated on the right hand side
- ROUNDED option is usually coded following the field to be rounded. However, when coded with REMAINDER option of DIVIDE verb, it is prefixed
- Below example will help you understand use of ROUNDED
In data declaration,05 DATA-A PIC 99V999 VALUE 11.432. 05 DATA-B PIC 99V999 VALUE 21.863. 05 DATA-C PIC 99V99.In PROCEDURE DIVISION,ADD DATA-A DATA-B GIVING DATA-C ROUNDEDAfter execution of above ADD statement,DATA-A will have 11.432 DATA-B will have 21.863 DATA-C will have 33.3In above case, the actual sum of DATA-A and DATA-B is 33.295 but since ROUNDED option is used, the result is rounded off and hence DATA-C contains final value as 33.3. If suppose, ROUNDED option was not coded, then DATA-C would have final value as 33.2.
- Using ROUNDED option for REMAINDER option of DIVIDE statement:-
DIVIDE DATA-A INTO DATA-B GIVING DATA-C ROUNDED REMAINDER DATA-D* Note, in above DIVIDE statement, since ROUNDED is used for REMAINDER, it is prefixed.