Module 3: COBOL Program structure
- The actual values specified in program known as Literals
- For example, MOVE 800 TO AMOUNT.
- In above example, value ‘800’ will be moved to data name or variable AMOUNT. The value ‘800’ used in above statement is a literal
- A data name may have different values at various points of time, while Literal means the value that remains constant and unchanged throughout the execution of the program. For this reason, a literal is also referred as constant.
- Literal does not have a name; it represents itself and does not have to be defined in the DATA DIVISION.
- There are two type of literals:-
- Numeric
- Non-numeric
- A numeric literal is made up of digits only. It can have ( + , - or decimal point (.) ).
- When no sign is specified, the numeric literal will be considered as positive.
- Negative literals are indicated by (-) minus sign at leftmost end.
- When no decimal point is specified, the literal is obviously an integer.
- If the decimal point is used, it must be placed between the digits.
- The maximum number of digits allowed in a numeric literal is compiler dependent
- Examples:-
Valid Numeric Literals Invalid Numeric literals and reason .4536 - 46 (Invalid as there is space after minus sign) 18.5 “270” (Invalid as numeric literal but valid as Non numeric literal) -83.22
- A non-numeric literal is used in general output messages or headings.
- Characters that are enclosed between “ “ constitute non-numeric literal
- The maximum number of character allowed within two quotation marks is compiler dependent
- Examples:-
Valid Non-numeric literal Invalid Non-numeric literals and reason "MAINFRAME" 7 (Valid as numeric but Invalid as Non-numeric) “NEW EMPLOYEE” “One (invalid because there is no quotation mark on the right) “GRAND TOTAL” “PRICE/QUANTITY” “98.70”