Module 4: JCL DD Statement
DD SYSOUT Parameter
This parameter is used to direct the output that is generated during the execution of a job to an output device. The SYSOUT dataset is assigned to an output class.
class :- It is pre designated output class, containing any single alphanumeric character. Traditionally, class A has been designation for the printer. If asterisk (*) is used with SYSOUT parameter, the class assigned to the MSGCLASS parameter will be used to SYSOUT
Example 1:-
In this example, PROG1 is executed, and all output generated by the job step and the program, is directed to the class designated by the letter A. As mentioned earlier, this is the line printer
Example 2:-
In this example, * asterisk is assigned to SYSOUT parameter implies that the class assigned to the MSGCLASS parameter will be used for SYSOUT. Thus SYSOUT is assigned the class C.